Friday, October 2, 2015

My Humorous Monologue

KaneakuaZ_Comedy from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.

From this project a few things I learned; One thing was how to work Imovie better. The second thing was how to tell a joke better. Another thing that I learned was about sarcasm like when there being sarcastic and when they aren't. The fourth thing was how to import.

A pad is when the visuals cover the audio in the empt space so you don't see a blank space. Padding in a movie is important because it goes over your monologue so we don't see you just speaking. You use your visuals to go over your audio so you have something to look at.

The parts I was weak at was getting the visuals. It was hard because some parts I had to use my other camera for it because a part was in the ocean. Parts I was strong was putting in effects. The parts I could improve was better footage, having parts stable, lighting should of been better, and no windy noise.

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