Friday, February 20, 2015

Double Exposed Portraits

A portrait photography is a portrait of someone and that shows what they like to do or things they like. For more information here is a link that can tell you it better, portait photography. It can be like a profile view because it shows there face but a portrait is only one side of the face. It also kinda like a silhouetting because it only show one side of there face but most silhouetting is one main color. silhouetting

To make a double exposure you first have to take a picture of you or someone. Then take 2 pictures of things you like or things you like to do. Then go on photoshop, -> file->stack files.  When you have the photos make sure the top picture is the portrait.Then you go on the dodge tool and only outline your body. If you want to size the any of the pictures hold shift. Then you double click layer
-> blend mode->screen. To have different colors you click layer-> new adjustment -> now explore.

The left visual was a practice one and it could of been improved by seeing the pictures a little better and adding some other features. The 2 textrues is a stick and a tree. It doesn't show who I am but my final one kinda shoes who I am. My final one is a picture of my football glove and my bodyboard. I could improve by being able to see the textures. You can't really tell but the glove and my bodyboard are the things that repesent me.

Friday, February 6, 2015

HDR Photography

HDR is when it makes the photo darker or lighter.What is HDR.  To me I like using HDR because it makes the photo look different and more pretty looking. HDR is for making the photo look different for example like this picture. Here is a link to help you to understand more about HDR example of HDR 

To create an HDR image step by step you first you mergre to automate to HDR. Then it says browse and make sure you have more than 2 photos. When you have the photos make sure u have a tripod or something to keep it stable. After you can do what you want on the photo After you save on what you want it to be called and  then walla.

The picture of the person is my papa. On that picture
I could of get at a different angle and have rule of thirds. On the pictue of my backyard I tried to get more of the tree and a little glimpse of the tree in the back with some sky too. When I took the picture I didnt want any movement on the pictures. The hard part for the portrait was the door i didnt want anyone to open it if they did I would have to restart. On the landscape I needed a place were my dogs wouldnt come so I had to keep moving till they stayed still.