Tuesday, May 12, 2015

lyrical livelyhood

I don't really have a favorite song because I have a lot of favorite songs.If I did it makes me feel relaxed because of just something I don't really know why but I just like listening to music. I usually just listen to music because I just want to or it's that I'm bored. Sometimes I also listen to music is because it can be catchy. Listening to music just makes me feel like something I really can't explain because its hard for me to explain but it makes me feel like something.

Our song that were doing for our project is Watch Me (whip and nae nae). We picked this song because Say that your at a dance party but you don't know how to dance but from this you would know how to dance but basically it going to show about building confidence.

In the video it will show me and Shanden teaching Steven to dance because Steven is sad that he can't dance and that he wants to learn on how to dance. Its kind of like the second paragraph because it explain the same thing. When we film this we are going top try and get different angles and were also going to try zoom in and out when we film.

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